Course curriculum

    1. Strategy vs. Plan

    2. Knowledge Check I

    1. Creating a Business Summary

    2. Knowledge Check II

    3. Finding Your Target Market

    4. Knowledge Check III

    1. Executive Summary

    2. Knowledge Check IV

    3. Mapping Out the What, When & How

    4. Knowledge Check V

    1. What We Learned

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Bonus Course Material

We've included some extra content to help you get results

  • Marketing Plan Template

    A guide to help you develop an effective marketing plan. Not only do we walk you through it, we'll actually show you how to use it in the course!

  • Marketing Strategy Template

    Another template designed to layout exactly what you want to do with your marketing. We'll show you how to fill it out, use it, and benefit from a clear marketing strategy

  • Resource Links

    We've also included links to all the helpful tolls we used during the course. You now have access to the same resources we do to implement some powerful marketing.

5 star rating

Marketing for your business is rapidly becoming a full ti...

Craig Zale

When I entered into the shop owners position 24 years ago, there was not much to marketing once you got the basics down. Today it is a whole new ball game an...

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When I entered into the shop owners position 24 years ago, there was not much to marketing once you got the basics down. Today it is a whole new ball game and the SEO gods keep changing the rules, so once you feel you have a good handle on things they (SEO GODS) change the way the game is played. It is also hard to hire an outside company to do all of your marketing if you want that unique real feel for people looking for you. This lesson taught me that we need to start looking hard at hiring a full time in house person to do our Social Media part.

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Take This Course

And develop a powerful & effective marketing strategy for your business.